Who we are

Forging Ahead Foundation is a Non-governmental organization focused on SDG4-Quality education.
In a world seemingly unequal, we are here to bridge the gap to create world class leaders through quality education.
Our unwavering dedication lies in unlocking the untapped potential of every child, forging a path towards a future where quality education stands as the bedrock of a fair and prosperous society.

Kids in classroom learning

Our mission

To help children from low-income communities go beyond the basic level of education by providing mentorship and skill acquisition to enhance their future possibilities.

Our vision

To raise world class leaders through quality education.

Our core values


About the founder

Moyinoluwa Babalola is very passionate about all she does wearing all her hats beautifully well.
She is the Executive Director of Forging Ahead Foundation, author of four books and founder of Academic Bloom.
Moyinoluwa is pursuing a career as a technology lawyer.
At the core of her being, she enjoys spreading love to people and the gospel of Christ. This drives her passion to give back to the society by helping students from low income communities further their Education.

Moyinoluwa Babalola, Founder of Forging Ahead

How we are making a difference

Skill Acquisition

Skill Acquisition

A major way to enhance students from low-income communities in furthering their education is to help them acquire a skill that can sustain them financially.



A lot of children from low-income communities have no propelling factor to further their education because they can’t see any template. This is the goal we hope to achieve with the Mentorship program. We would give them a picture of a future to desire



We provide access to quality education for senior secondary school students in public secondary schools through extra tutorials. We get the best of the best to teach them

How you can make a difference

Your donations to Forging Ahead Foundation is an investment in the future of countless children and the betterment of society. Here's how your donations can empower change:

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